The Catalog


Thursday, March 11, 2010

55 Fiction #003: The Best Friend

#003: The Best Friend

She’s dead…

I know…

Did you…?



She was cheating on me…

Who was he? Any clues?

She wouldn’t tell me …

Just for that?

Fuck you…

You didn’t have to kill her… I could have talked to her…


You knew how close we were…

*Gunshot* Bastard… I already knew it was you…


P.S. This one was a tight squeeze.... I wanted to give the impression of the two dude's being best friends... Not sure if I managed to do that... Also a little profane I guess... but I think the situation merits that...


Selenium said...

I think this does give the impression the two were best friends.

Interesting situation here :)

The Laughing Man said...

Yeah... now that I think about it... I could have made this bugger a little bigger... (but it would not have been 55 anymore...) Hmm...

Perhaps the 2nd dude as a doctor... 1st dude as a plain office goer... those 2 and the wife were good friends from college perhaps... wife cheats on 1st dude with 2nd dude... gets shot by 1st dude who discovers her infidelity... 1st dude calls 2nd dude on pretext that wife is 'sick' and then... ... ...

Yeah... sounds about right... might work... I could even throw in a child (perhaps a result of the affair?)... Nah... too much angst... and another loose end to tie up...

Samadrita said...

Hmm nice one.As is evident from the way you write you're pretty good with this format.But me wants to read a longer one now. :D

The Laughing Man said...

Ara-ara-ara.... May chan... you want a longer piece? I am not usually very good with those.... but I will try not to disappoint...

Anonymous said...

one of the best 55 fictions I have read....

The Laughing Man said...

Thanks buddy... you're my most faithful reader... there are 6 more to go in this series... or was it 5? Gah... I have 15 in total right now and have posted about 7 I think...

Should keep you entertained for a while yet I hope!