The Catalog


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

55 Fiction #006: The Showdown

#006: Showdown

*Two men are in the center of a crowd… the atmosphere is grim*

Just you and me now bro’…

Walk away and you won’t get hurt…

Right back at you punk…

It’s your funeral….

Bring it!


*Joe’s hand descended in a swift arc*

*Frank gasped… then collapsed… moaning…*

Goddamit!… A… bloody… Royal Flush...

P.S. For those who dont play cards... (Not that I am much of a poker player myself)... A Royal Flush is THE best hand you can have in a game of Poker.


Selenium said...


Woah... brings those moments of melodrama we have while playing rummy or court peice :D

The Laughing Man said...

So how was the guess in this one... couldnt have been too hard... the others are also all relatively easy to figure out... I forgot to post my April fool one in time... I guess I will let that post according to the weekly schedule then...